'The Irish Years' - Part 2
We're talking 2002. Our first couple of months in Ireland. Damien Rice is HOT. And when I say HOT, I mean HOT! People are carrying his CD 'O' everywhere they go. You go shopping and the ladies behind the counter show you his CD. Taxi drivers have the CD on display, dangling from their rear view mirror. Damien Rice is everywhere.
Okay, okay, you think, give it a few weeks, months maybe, and the fellow will disappear to wherever he came from. Not Damien. No, no, no... this one song, 'Cannonball' was played every morning on the radio for the entire period of our stay in Ireland. I'm not even exaggerating.
On average we spent 20 minutes in the car each morning on our way to work. Without exception we've heard 'Cannonball' every single morning, between 08.30 and 08.50. Random radio stations. Some days we were lucky and we were treated to the 'Damien Double': 'Cannonball' in the morning and 'Cannonball' in the evening. I can tell you this, I've calculated (I have a spreadsheet) that I've heard this song 1837 times in the period between July 2002 and September 2006. Whenever I dream at night, 'Cannonball' is playing in the background. It's the ultimate brain itch. So, join in the fun, here's 'Cannonball':