'The Irish Years' - Part 1

I'll try and talk about a few things that I took from Ireland. No idea what I'll come up with, since the effects of the 4,5 years we spent in Ireland may only show after considerable time. I'll start with some music related effects...

First up is David Gray. He's English, I know. But before we moved to Ireland we had never heard of David Gray. He was simply not known in the Netherlands at all. During the time we spent in Ireland, Mr. Gray has also managed to get some success in Holland, but I clearly remember hearing 'Please Forgive Me' on the radio in a Dublin taxi and being very impressed by the song and especially his voice. It took some time to figure out who this unknown singer was, but ever since, David Gray has been a constant on my iTunes playlists. Anyway, here's his 'Babylon'.

In all honesty, I had never seen any music videos of the guy before looking them up right now. To be completely honest I didn't even know what the dude looked like before today... Oh well, I'll make it very MTV and give you another clip. Don't know how he does it but in some way his videos match the style of his music quite well. Not talking about the content matter, that's a completely different story, but his songs have something, well, almost haunting. With the often countermelodic rhythms, the opposing electronic sounds mixed with acoustic instruments etcetera. I don't know. I'm not MTV. Ask them.

Here's 'This Year's Love':

Music Video Codes


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