Tractor beam, Earth Style

Apparently, some scientists are making serious plans to prevent Asteroids from hitting us. They must have realized that, let's face it, Bruce Willis is not getting any younger and that we should have alternatives ready for when Bruce hits 65. Think about it, I don't see Orlando Bloom saving Earth from certain destruction any time soon, do you?
Too bad we don't take this opportunity serious enough to finally focus on real tractor beams, teleportation systems and what have you. I tell you, if the day comes that we are facing one of those giant rocks hurtling towards us and we end up sending a bunch of old (or young) astronauts to it in order to blast it out of harms way, I'm going to post a black square on this Blog to mourn the day science lost the battle. And of course, you'll all be able to buy little black sympathy ribbons from my online store. (I'll make sure to have one, before the asteroid hits)
On a semi-by the way note, Bruce's web presence is very refreshing and deserves a lot of credit. If anyone can show me another celeb's website with the same amount of 'hey, this is me'-feel to it, do let me know.
May 7, 2007 - Update: Apparently Bruce Willis no longer has his own website. Pity.